I'm so glad you aren't being pressured to do that. I'm sure it's intended to create a more welcoming environment, but it sounds like it would have the opposite effect for you on the ground.
I don't know that there is one set of views and objectives that non-binary people have as a group, any more than there is for binary trans people (or cis people). For me, I feel like the most important point is that no one actually speaks for an entire identity group, even if they sincerely believe themselves to.
As far as whether people should be compelled away from prejudiced thought - honestly, I think it's an "ought implies can" situation before anything else. I agree that no one should be forced to change their mind about something if they don't want to, but I also don't think it's actually possible to do that. All you can do is prohibit people from expressing certain views, not from thinking them - and that's a good way to get a lot more insincere lip service than sincere conversion. As Robert Anton Wilson said, "accurate communication is possible only in a non-punishing situation."